
ビューティーソイソース 5種セレクションC Five bottles of Beauty soy sauce set C

¥4,240 税込



セット内容:(アップル、チェリー、洋ナシ、ピーチ、ザクロ)内容量100ml×5本  醤油加工品:しょうゆ(たつの市製造)、純トマト酢、果汁、砂糖(大豆、小麦を含む)  アレルギー物質: 小麦、桃、りんご


1. 豊富なフルーツのバリエーション:5種類のフルーツ風味が楽しめるので、幅広い味覚を持つ方々に喜ばれます。
2. 贈り物としての高級感:美しいパッケージングと豪華な内容は、贈り物としての価値を高めます。
3. 健康に配慮したギフト:無添加で減塩のビューティーソイソースは、健康を意識した方々にも喜ばれることでしょう。
4. ユニークな味わいの体験:様々なフルーツ風味を楽しむことができるので、新しい味わいを探求する方々にとって魅力的な選択肢となります。
5. 贈り手の思いやりを表す:手の込んだ選び抜かれたギフトは、贈り手の気持ちを受け取る方々にしっかり伝えることが出来ます。


Set Contents: (Apple, Cherry, Pear, Peach, Pomegranate) 100ml x 5 bottles
Processed Soy Products: Soy Sauce (Manufactured in Tatsuno City), Pure Tomato Vinegar, Fruit Juice, Sugar (Contains Soybeans and Wheat)
Allergens: Wheat, Peach, Apple
Shelf Life: 180 days
* The above expiration date is based on the manufacturing date.
* Depending on the shipping duration, the expiration date after the product arrives may be shorter than the indicated number of days. Please be aware in advance.

Product Description:
This special gift set includes Beauty Soy Sauce with the flavors of five fruits: Apple, Cherry, Pear, Peach, and Pomegranate. Each sauce has a natural sweetness and rich flavor that adds depth and elegance to dishes, allowing you to enjoy restaurant-quality taste in the comfort of your home. Despite being additive-free, it is low in salt, making it suitable for health-conscious individuals.

Reasons to Recommend as a Gift:
1. Variety of Fruit Flavors: With five different fruit flavors, it appeals to individuals with diverse taste preferences.
2. Luxurious Gift Presentation: The beautiful packaging and lavish contents enhance its value as a gift.
3. Health-Conscious Gift: The additive-free, low-salt Beauty Soy Sauce will be appreciated by those who prioritize health.
4. Unique Flavor Experience: With various fruit flavors to explore, it offers an enticing option for those seeking new taste experiences.
5. Expresses the Thoughtfulness of the Giver: A carefully selected gift communicates the sender's heartfelt sentiments effectively.

It is ideal for special occasions and expressing gratitude. Through this gift, deliver joy and happiness to the recipients.

* Please store in the refrigerator after opening.

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¥4,240 税込
