
ビューティーソイソース 5種セレクションH Five bottles of Beauty soy sauce set H

¥4,274 税込



セット内容:(ピーチ、アップル、洋ナシ、ザクロ、ラズベリー)内容量100ml×5本  醤油加工品:しょうゆ(たつの市製造)、純トマト酢、果汁、砂糖(大豆、小麦を含む)  
アレルギー物質: 小麦、桃、りんご 
ギフトボックスが付属します。ギフト包装承ります。 レシピ付きパンフレットを一緒にお送りいたします。 


1. 家族や友人への贈り物:料理好きな家族や友人への誕生日や記念日のプレゼントに最適です。彼らに自宅で楽しむ特別な味わいを提供しましょう。
2. 健康を意識した方への贈り物:減塩で無添加のビューティーソイソースは、健康を大切にする方々に喜ばれることでしょう。
3. グルメ好きな方への贈り物:食にこだわりを持つグルメ好きな方へのプレゼントとして喜ばれます。彼らに本格的な料理の味わいを提供しましょう。



Set Contents: (Peach, Apple, Pear, Pomegranate, Raspberry) 100ml × 5 bottles Soy sauce processed products: Soy sauce (manufactured in Tatsuno City), pure tomato vinegar, fruit juice, sugar (contains soybeans, wheat in part) Allergy substances: Wheat, Peach, Apple Gift box included. Gift wrapping available. Recipe booklet included. Shelf life: 180 days * The above expiration date is based on the manufacturing date. * Depending on the delivery days, the expiration date after the product arrives may be shorter than the stated number of days. Please note in advance.

Product Description: This special gift set includes Beauty Soy Sauce flavored with five types of fruit: Peach, Apple, Pear, Pomegranate, and Raspberry. Each sauce has a natural sweetness and rich aroma, adding depth and elegance to dishes. You can enjoy restaurant-quality flavors at home. Despite being additive-free, it is low-sodium, making it suitable for health-conscious individuals.

Recommended recipients: 1. Family and friends: Ideal for birthdays or special occasions for family and friends who enjoy cooking. Treat them to a special flavor experience at home. 2. Health-conscious individuals: Low-sodium and additive-free Beauty Soy Sauce will be appreciated by those who prioritize health. 3. Gourmet enthusiasts: Perfect as a gift for gourmet enthusiasts who appreciate quality cuisine. Provide them with the taste of authentic cooking.

This gift set is perfect for special occasions and expressing gratitude. Deliver the care and thoughtfulness of the giver to the recipient.

* Please refrigerate after opening.

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¥4,274 税込
